
Summary introduction logistics

Name: M.Naufal Muchtar Class. : D3-MLM 2016 NIM   : 223416018 What is logistics? Logistics comes from the Greek word "Logos" meaning ration. In the time of the Greek war the conditions of war led by Julius Caesar moved from place to place. History Logistics  During the Greek Trojan war it sent 1200 ships to Troy. For this war, the Greeks were not able to bring enough food and money. Therefore, they must plant food in Troy and continuously carry out small raids to look for supplies. Because of this logistical problem, they could not launch a decisive and significant attack to end the Trojan resistance. Logistics is very important Logistics has become one of the most important components in industry and economics over the years. But it is only recently realized that logistics is an important component in industry and economy. One reason may be because of the logistics itself. Logistics consists of many functions and sub-systems. Now academia and bussinesman ar...